
Stay up to date with us~

Devlog #41 - A Colourful Journey

Hi! :D
Today PECTIN is back again with another devlog about the art of //TODO: today! It's about some subtle elements of the background which can be seen in the second half of the game.

If you haven't already played the second half beware of SPOILERS. If you aren't scared of spoilers or already played that part you can safely read on...

Devlog #40 - Writing Structure In Detail

This week it's my turn again to write a devlog and because most of the work I'm doing right now isn't really ready to be put into a devlog just yet, I decided to go into a bit more detail on the writing in //TODO: today in terms of its structure and branching.

But before we get to that, as you might have noticed we weren't able to keep up with the posting schedule of the remaining poll answers. Due to other responsibilities we have to take care of, we ran into a few delays so we'll only be able to post one answer per week. So even if it will take a bit longer now, you'll definitely see them all!

And now back to writing!

If you were already reading our devlogs back in 2017, this might sound familiar but there is a lot I couldn't write about yet back then. Now that the game is out and pretty much complete though, it's finally time for an addition to the second devlog we ever posted...

Devlog #39 - Teal's Art Pt.1 - A Dark Place

Hello lovely readers! (ノ゚▽゚)ノ

We've announced last week, we're back with our devlogs packed with insights into our work on //TODO: today! As it has been hinted back then, PECTIN will talk about a special artwork this week: The one he made, that Teal canonically made, which Teal sent to "Naughty Cat" in //TODO: today. :V

Keep on reading to learn more about Teal's artist mind and about a basic workflow PECTIN uses to paint.

Devlog #38 - Back From the Hiatus!


It's been almost two months since our last proper devlog but now we're back to explain what we've been up to since then and to talk a bit about our current plans!

Before we went to the A Maze, we already mentioned that PECTIN was planning to go on a semi-hiatus for the majority of May but ultimately this turned into a proper hiatus for both of us because after the last two years we could really use an actual break.
We're sorry about the sudden radio silence but we hope you understand!

For the last two and a half weeks we've been back at it again, did a lot of planning, and started work on the //TODO: today Special Edition Zine (among other things). We're excited to show you more of all this once it's ready for your eyes...

//TODO: today - Bestest Cupcake Poll Results Part #3


It's been a while since the announcement of the second place winner, but we are finally ready to reveal who took the top spot of the Bestest Cupcake Poll!

While the ranking was still very close during the first few days of the poll, eventually someone developed quite a bit of a lead and only increased it towards the end. We won't keep it any longer from you, so without drawing it out any further:

With a total of 17 votes the first place winner is...